Zechmeister, Gerhard ( VIENNA, AUSTRIA )


Born 1960



Studied tuba at the Vienna University of Music with Leopold Kolar (former mem­ber of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra),


acquired a degree in Music History with Prof. Dr. Friedrich C. Heller,  


founder member of the Oculus Brass Quintet, 


instigates the further development of the "Viennese concert tuba" in collaboration with the Austro-Czech instrument factory MUSICA (the prototype has been in production since 1983, new model 1999),


publication of a study on "The development of the Viennese Concert Tuba", in collaboration with the Viennese mouthpiece expert Karl Breslmair,


he formulated a sound concept for the brasssection of the United Philharmonic Vienna based on the precepts of the "Viennese sound style",


tuba player of the United Philhar­monic Vienna,


research-project 1997/98: Development of the new six valve Viennese contrabass trombone,


creating a line of mouthpieces that work well with the Viennese tuba / Viennese contra-bass trombone (Viennese sound),


researching about "The development of the brass players in the Viennese sound tradition and the aspects of Viennese sound", since 1980 (international publications).




Publication: Method "Concerttuba" (Doblinger 1998). Shop: www.music2print.at



Publication: Viennese Brass Method (in Japanese language) "More breathe, first Viennese brass playing" (Tokyo 2010).

Professor for Viennese Tuba or Bass Tuba, and Contrabass Tuba, based on aspects of VIENNESE SOUND TRADITION, at NEW Richard Wagner Conservatory Vienna (since 2013).

Viennese Sound Advice (BRASS) to Anton Bruckner Urtext Complete Edition (since 2013).









Mag. Gerhard Zechmeister
Praterstraße 59/11
1020 Wien
0043 / 1 / 585 12 79




                          +++                          W I E N E R T U B A V I E N N E S E T U B A                          +++                          Z E C H M E I S T E R G E R H A R D                          +++                          W I E N E R K L A N G S T I L V I E N N E S E S O U N D

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