What we want

Our aim is to support individuals, organisations and institutions
to improve their capacities and performance
as much as possible within their framework
in order to make a sustainable contribution to the development goals.
We support you through
  • Consulting
  • Service delivery
  • Training, workshops and seminars
  • Coaching and mentoring
  • Equestrian supported coaching and therapy

Always expect, what you are not expecting, and be open for what appears unexpectedly

We are tightly following the global developments with great interest: the positive ones with happiness and hope for further improvements; The negative ones with high concern but nevertheless with the hope of being able to change them for the better again.

Global political tensions and crises remaine or are even increasing. No longer just in the Global South, but worldwide.
The challenges for a dignified life remain and are even increasing due to political, social and economic developments, partly triggered by the climate change. The global extremes of weather indicates more and more that environmental protection and resource conservation must be the norm rather than the exception. Many people no longer have any prospects in their home countries and only see a future in migration. Whether this leads to a better life depends on many factors and remains to be seen.

International and German development policies respond to global, regional and national challenges. The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) continue to serve as a framework and orientation. The transitional development assistance was created as a crises management tool, providing a bridge between humanitarian and technical development cooperation, in line with the HDP Nexus. Strengthened resilience and social cohesion and gender equality are aspects incorporated into project work or even constitute a focal point.
Further, the German development policy continues to implement and finance a series of initiatives to reduce and stop the root causes for migration and flight.

Within this frame of development policy and development cooperation, global citizen engagement, local participation and ownership of organisations, institutions, stakeholders and individuals remain one of the key backbones and the capacity development of relevant actors a cross cutting success factor.

Political education, social and political engagement towards a responsible and sustainable behaviour with regard to our society as well as our environment is still on the top of political interest. Global and sustainable development is only possible with all global players on board: Sustainable development has to take place everywhere not only in the countries of the global south.

Permanent  impact measurement to gather evidence for the effectiveness of projects and programmes is immanent. This serves as steering instrument and learning processes to be able to adapt existing concepts to global and local developments, besides being a tool for accountability.
The increasing reduction of global resources requires high efficiency within the development cooperation. The use of common resources, the identification and leverage of synergies, the expansion of cooperation and networking are becoming indispensable.  
In addition, the question of methods and tools, especially digital applications, remains relevant, taken into account aspects of climate protection (COs imprint).
The above-mentioned international, German and national development policies, strategies and concepts influence and mainstream our consulting work. We assess organisational, institutional and individual capacities and support the development of structures and processes of organisations and institutions. Together with our clients we mutually identify potentials and required skills and competencies to increase performance and thus the effectiveness and impact of their programmes and projects. We monitor and evaluate the performance  of programs and projects  based on the OECD DAC criteria and identify ways to keep and/or increase project and programme performances and achievements.  
Based on needs assessments and in cooperation with target groups we support the planning process of programmes and projects. Upon request we support or manage the project implementation (considering Capacity WORKS if required) including conflict sensitive results based monitoring .

In reference to the above-mentioned sectors, we offer consultations, service delivery, training, seminars and workshops, long-term backstopping and coaching or mentoring. In addition, we sensitise for intercultural competence and communication and conduct country analyses and contribute to political education for a tolerant society.
Considering the increasing demand for individual and team support and coaching, we also continue to offer equestrian supported coaching, advisory services/education and therapy, mainly but not exclusively for vulnerable groups.

Our activities are based on profound and solid theoretical knowledge, frequent updates and, most importantly, years of practical experience in the field. We combine knowledge on international policies, standards and requirements with the skill to transfer them to the specific and local situation. We emphasize the involvement and motivation of related stakeholders, managers and teams and create ownership.
Permanent learning processes based on evidence allow us to adapt our approaches and tools to local conditions, the security situations, the energy crises and the necessity to cope with scarce resources. Online tools, digital communication and virtual settings are nowadays common and equally valued methods to onsite field missions. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, which must be weighed against each other.