Gari ist ein Maniokprodukt aus Afrika. Die geschälten, gewaschenen und geriebenen Knollen werden dabei zur Fermentation in Säcke gepackt und nach einigen Tagen getrocknet. In Westafrika ist Gari die Hauptverarbeitung von Maniok.
Ähnlich wie FuFu wird Gari mit heißem Wasser und Stampfer zubereitet bis es einem Teig ähnlich ist. Gegessen wird Gari, indem man mit den Fingern mundgerechte Bällchen formt, in eine (verdickte) Soße (z.B. Egusi od Ogbono) tunkt und zum Mund führt.
Eba is a staple food eaten in West Africa, particularly Nigeria. It is made from cassava (manioc) flour known in West Africa as garri.
To make eba, garri flour (which should be further pounded or ground if not already 'fine') is mixed into hot water and stirred well with a large wooden spoon until it becomes like a firm dough, firmer than, say, mashed potatoes, so it can be rolled into a ball and keep its shape.
A small amount of Eba is taken with the fingers and rolled into a small ball and dipped into a sauce such as pepper soup (obe ata) with either okra, ogbono, or ewedu with meat or fish, or can be eaten with stewed vegetables or other sauces such as gbegiri or efo-egusi.
Eba is a favorite of the Ijebus of South-western Nigeria.
Similar staples in Sub-Saharan Africa include amala and fufu in West Africa, ugali in East Africa, and sadza in Southern Africa, though these may also be made with the flour of maize or other starchy root vegetables.
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